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3D Electrical: The new release is fully 3D, allowing you to coordinate your electrical plans with architects using 3D building information modeling (BIM) software. Our 3D is compatible with all of the leading architectural BIM programs, including AutoCAD Architecture, Revit, Archicad, and Microstation. For projects where your architect is not designing in 3D, you can ignore the new 3D features.

All devices have a new elevation value. Each device also has a 3D block associated with it. The 3D block is separate from the 2D block, allowing you to represent your devices differently depending upon how you are viewing them.

To share your 3D design with your architect, you use the Export 3D Blocks command. It creates a drawing file with only the 3D blocks in it that can be imported into an architectural BIM program. Your design can then be coordinated with the architect's and with the other engineering disciplines.

Drawing Notes: Generic notes can be added to any device on the drawing. These notes are not stored in the database. They can be inserted and modified using the Note commands in the Devices submenu or toolbar.

Notes with Multiple Lines: Notes can be adjusted to have multiple lines. The Coordinate command will not reset the notes to a single line.

Erasing Notes: Notes erased from the drawing are not reinserted by the Coordinate command.

Non-world UCS: Non-world UCS's work properly.

Separate Low Voltage Device Layers: Each low voltage device group has a separate set of layers. The new layer keys can be set in the Layers command.

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