Fixed error causing entities to be grouped together in new drawings.
Added new choices to the Highlight Voltage Drop option in the voltage drop schedule.
Yes, Feeder or Branch Circuit > 3%, Total > 5%: Will highlight any feeders or branch circuits that exceed 3% voltage drop. Will highlight any total voltage drop (feeder + branch circuit) that exceeds 5%. These are the values required in NEC 210.19(A)(1) FPN No. 4 and NEC 215.2(A)(3) FPN No. 2.
Yes, Feeder > 2%, Branch Circuit > 3%: Will highlight any feeder that exceeds 2% voltage drop or any branch circuit that exceeds 3% voltage drop. These are the values required in California Title 24 2013 Nonresidential Compliance Manual 8.4.
No: No voltage drops will be highlighted in the schedule.
Added new options to the Circuits to Display option in the voltage drop schedule.
All with Load: Any branch circuit that includes a load will be included in the schedule. This will include branch circuits with fixed loads but no circuit length that will calculate to have a voltage drop of 0%.
All > 0: Any branch circuit that has a voltage drop greater than 0%.
Removed the High B and High C label from voltage labels in the panel schedule and panel list. Both choices are still available as voltage choices and will behave correctly. The only difference is in the labels on the drawing. You will need to manually add a label specifying the high leg if it is not otherwise clear in your project.
Fixed the high-leg delta panels so you can connect a High B panel to a High C panel.