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ElectroBIM 2.3.1 Beta

Beta released March 18, 2025.

The following is a list of new and updated features in ElectroBIM 2.3.1.

Improved Multi-User Support

This release improves support for workshare-enabled projects that have multiple people working on them.

When elements are being modified by other users, calculations will complete. The borrowed elements will not be updated; everything else that can be updated will be updated.

A new dialog box will display information about elements borrowed by other users. This information will help you coordinate synchronizing your project with your other team members.

The new DMET_LastModified shared parameter will display when the element was last updated by ElectroBIM.

Feedback Wanted

We are looking forfeedback on the messages you receive when multiple people are working on a project. The goal is a single message alerting you to any conflicts, which should be clear about who the conflict is with and what elements are in conflict.

You should not get multiple warnings or popups. You should not be confused about how to resolve the problem.

We are interested in any situations you run into where our alerts do not meet these standards. Screenshots are always helpful, as these situations can be complicated to recreate. You are welcome to contact us immediately to observe the problem. That can help us get it fixed. Our number is 866-516-9497 x2.

New Feature Webinar