Fixed export of equipment to one-line diagram that is not connected to a circuit.
Fixed error setting room in circuit descriptions in projects with multiple phases.
Added new "WireCallout_Compact" shared parameters that do not have spaces in the wire callouts. The original wire callouts included spaces and wrap across multiple lines, but are long. The new wire callouts do not include spaces and are shorter, but do not wrap.
Fixed error including room names in circuit descriptions in projects with multiple phases.
Improved multi-user support by only marking instances changed if a value has actually changed.
Fixed error displaying load on an instance when the load is based on an instance parameter.
Added new Calculate Part of Project command. The new command can save you time when you need to update only part of your project. The new command also can work better in multi-user environments by limiting which panels you are modifying. The old Calculate command has been renamed Calculate Whole Project.