Consulting-Specifying Engineer 2023 Product of the Year Results
David Robison Podcast Appearances
Customer Story: Mattern Stith Engineering
Electrical Mastermind
Online Training
Documentation Updates—New Docs Platform
Electrical for Revit 2.1.2 Released
Design Master Electrical RT 2.1.2 is now available. The new features include automatic generation of the one-line diagram, exporting conduit information to EVOLVE Electrical, and edit multiple support for the Panel Edit command.
Consulting-Specifying Engineer 2023 Product of the Year Results
The results are in: We took silver!
Easing in between ETAP ArcSafety and the Victaulic SpoolTracker App, Design Master Electrical RT 2.0 received the second-most votes in the Software category.
To everyone who voted and to everyone who uses our software: Thank you!
David Robison Podcast Appearances
President David Robison was recently interviewed on several podcasts related to CAD and BIM software.
On the BIMvoice and Brewing with BIM podcasts, he explained how Design Master Electrical RT works and how it helps electrical engineers design in Revit.
On the CADDle Call podcast, he explained how Design Master's CAD-based products add BIM capabilities to AutoCAD and BricsCAD, allowing designers to create a functional building model without the extra baggage that Revit requires.
Design Master Electrical Makes Beth Mattern Say, “Holy Cow!”
In mid-2020, Beth Mattern, PE, LC, LEED AP, and her husband,
James Stith, PE, started taking on work through Mattern Stith Engineering. “Just doing some engineering and design projects,” Beth says, “a lot of schoolwork, some healthcare, some commercial.” At first, they relied on AutoCAD and Excel for their drafting and calculations.
When Beth chose to focus on Mattern Stith full-time, she knew she needed to get the most out of her time. Fortunately, her years at Fratto Engineering (now KAI Enterprises) made her familiar with Design Master Software.
We will take a break from online training for the summer.
September 21, 2023: Fault Calculations
Learn about short-circuit analysis in our software. See how we calculate the fault at panels and the factors that impact the outcome.
Documentation Updates
New Docs Platform
All of our user manuals and tutorials have been migrated to a new documentation platform. The new docs include upgraded text formatting, light/dark mode toggles, feedback forms, in-page sidebar navigation, cross-document search, and more.
The following articles have been added or updated in the knowledge base:
"Locked Layer" Error Message: Design Master typically unlocks any locked layers it needs to use to function. If it can't, it will display an error message telling you to unlock the layers.
Installing Design Master Silently and Other Command Line Arguments: You can use command line arguments to install or update Design Master in the background, as well as other modifications.
Uninstalling Design Master: You can uninstall the software using the steps outlined here.
Design Master Licensing FAQ: Here are answers to some frequently asked questions concerning our licenses.
Design Master Blocks and Text Not Scaling Correctly: For Design Master entities to scale correctly, set the DIMSCALE variable in your CAD program according to the scale factor of your drawing. (This is an older article that was previously titled "How to Set DIMSCALE". The title has been updated to better address the problem it solves, and the content has been updated to be more helpful to users.)
Electrical RT
Removing Devices From the Panel Edit List: The Panel Edit list is populated based upon the Family Category and Part Type of devices in your project. You can modify those values in the family to remove those devices from the list.
One-Line Diagram Graphics Disconnected From the Model: One-line diagram items can lose their links to the Revit model if they are copied or moved. This article details the solutions and common causes.
Electrical Design Basics in Revit: If you're thinking about moving your electrical workflow to Revit, here are the concepts you'll need to learn before you get started. (This is an older article that now includes a short video introducing many of the concepts mentioned.)
Duct-Mounted Diffusers: Design Master HVAC does not have a command specifically for inserting or connecting duct-mounted diffusers and grilles. However, you can approximate them by inserting the diffuser close to the duct to which it is mounted.
Light Fixtures and Text Not Scaling Correctly: For Design Master entities to scale correctly, set the DIMSCALE variable in your CAD program according to the scale factor of your drawing. (This is an older article that was previously titled "How to Set DIMSCALE". The title has been updated to address the problem the article solves, and the content has been updated to be more helpful to users.)
Calculations Taking Too Long: Several factors influence how long photometrics calculations take, from the area size to the number of fixtures and solids. This article explains each and suggests how you can reduce the calculation time.
Training Videos
The following training videos have been added to the knowledge base: