For six years now, we have conducted a survey of engineers and designers in the MEP industry to learn about their experiences using building information modeling (BIM). We are running the same survey again this year to see how the adoption of this technology has changed. We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out our survey. The results, including a comparison with the surveys from the last six years, will be discussed in a newsletter later this year.
(Editor's Note: The survey has ended.)
You can read the results of last year’s survey here.
We are looking for customers to beta test our changes to one-line diagram feeder IDs in Design Master Electrical.
Reply to this email if you are interested in testing the new feeder IDs.
Below is a list of recent ideas on our wishlist.
Customers regularly share ideas about what they would like us to add to the software. What we don't know is how many other people are interested in the idea. If you see something that looks interesting to you, vote for it. We prioritize features based upon the number of votes and the difficulty to implement. Knowing whether other people are interested in an idea or not helps us know if we should spend development time on it or on something else.