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Design Master July 2012 Newsletter

Table of Contents

Building Information Modeling in the MEP Industry Survey 2012

Take this year's survey about building information modeling in the MEP industry.

For the last two years, we have conducted a survey of engineers and designers in the MEP industry to learn about their experiences using building information modeling (BIM). We are running the same survey again this year to see how the adoption of this technology has changed. We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out our survey. The results, including a comparison with the surveys from the last two years, will be discussed in a newsletter later this year.

You can read the results of last year’s survey here.

MEP Ninja is Back!

After a five-month break, MEP Ninja is back! We apologize to all our fans for letting our day job (writing software) interfere with our art. Hopefully you can forgive our break from working on comics while we focused on the upcoming new releases.

Read our latest MEP Ninja comic.

Design Master User Conference 2012 (Orlando, FL)--Network with Other Users

We are holding our Design Master User Conference in September in Orlando, FL. If you've been reading our newsletter the last couple of months, you should already know this. (If not, go to the conference page to learn more.)

At the conference, our goal is for you to be able to interact with people as similar to you as possible. There's value in interacting with a variety of people, but that's something for other conferences. At our conference, everyone is designing buildings, not electronics or airplanes. Everyone uses AutoCAD, not Revit or Microstation or a pencil. Specifically, everyone uses Design Master in AutoCAD. We hold classes for the separate disciplines on separate days, so everyone is either an electrical designer or a mechanical designer. You won't find a more uniform group of attendees at any other conference.

The uniformity of everyone at the conference means you can have deep, technical discussions with the other attendees. You can talk about the specific ways you use Design Master to model buildings. You can jump straight into talking about the details of your engineering, without having to first discuss the general background of what you do. You can share problems you've had and get insights and solutions from other people who have encountered the exact same situation. You can listen to other people's difficult problems and help brainstorm solutions for them.

For a day-and-a-half, you'll be in a room full of people who are just as passionate about engineering as you are. What you learn from the other attendees will be just as valuable as what you learn during the official classes.

Plus, you get to spend time in Orlando, meet the Design Master staff, and get some continuing education credits! We hope to see you in Orlando in September! Visit the conference page to learn more or to register.

 The early registration price of $295 will be available for one more week. The price will go up to $395 on Monday, July 9. Register today to take advantage of the early registration price.

Customer Story: Why Design Master Electrical is Engineering Design Consultants’ “Greatest Value”

Our customer story for July is Engineering Design Consultants, an electrical engineering consulting and design/build firm based in Lakeland, Tennessee.