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Design Master August 2012 Newsletter

Table of Contents

Building Information Modeling in the MEP Industry Survey 2012

For the last two years, we have conducted a survey of engineers and designers in the MEP industry to learn about their experiences using building information modeling (BIM). We are running the same survey again this year to see how the adoption of this technology has changed. We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out our survey. The results, including a comparison with the surveys from the last two years, will be discussed in a newsletter later this year.

(Editor's Note: The survey has ended.)

You can read the results of last year’s survey here.

Design Master User Conference 2012 (Orlando, FL)--Continuing Education Credits

We are holding our Design Master User Conference in September in Orlando, FL. If you've been reading our newsletter the last couple of months, you should already know this. (If not, go to the conference page to learn more.)

During the conference, there are nine hours of classes that you can use for continuing education credits. Our conference isn't quite as convenient as taking a class online, but we guarantee you'll get a lot more out of it! The credits can be used in all states, including Florida and New York, where we are an officially approved continuing education provider.

Visit the conference page to learn more or to register.

Early registration is available for $395 until August 20. After that, registration is $495.

Customer Story: RNM Engineering and Design Master Software – A Ten-Year Partnership

Our customer story for August is RNM Engineering, an electrical engineering firm in San Francisco, California.