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Design Master June 2011 Newsletter

Table of Contents

How Baker Electric Leverages Design Master Electrical for 3D Modeling

Our customer story for June is Baker Electric, an electrical design/build company in Des Moines, IA that is using Design Master Electrical for 3D-BIM coordination.

We’re doing modeling in the new release of Design Master, which supports 3D views. They’ve made huge advances with their latest release. Their conduit modeling is the best I’ve seen.
--Gary Edgington, Project Manager, Baker Electric

Feature of the Month

Each month, we highlight a feature from each of our programs. Our goal is teach you something new about what our software can do.

These are brief overviews of the features, not detailed tutorials. If you have specific questions on how to use them, let us know in the article comments, on the forums, or by sending us an email. 

This month's HVAC, Electrical, and Plumbing feature: Hangers