Common Pipe Information
The values that can be specified for pipes are listed below.
Pipe Type ☰ The type of pipe being used. The list of pipe types available can be customized. See the Pipe Types section for more information.
Starting Elevation: The starting elevation of the pipe. The reference point for the starting elevation of the pipe is set by the Vertical Alignment ▾. See the Elevation section for more information.
Ending Elevation: The ending elevation of the pipe. The reference point for the ending elevation of the pipe is set by the Vertical Alignment ▾. See the Elevation section for more information.
Vertical Alignment: ▾ Specifies the reference point used for the Starting Elevation and Ending Elevation.
- Center of Pipe The elevations refer to the centerline of the pipe. The pipe will extend both above and below these elevations.
- Top of Pipe The elevations refer to the top of the pipe. The pipe will extend below these elevations.
- Bottom of Pipe The elevations refer to the bottom of the pipe. The pipe will extend above these elevations. If the pipe has hangers, they will extend below this elevation.
- Bottom of Hanger The elevations refer to the bottom of the hanger for the pipe. The hangers and the pipe will extend above these elevations. If there is no hanger, the bottom of the pipe will be at these elevations.
Horizontal Alignment: ▾ Specifies the reference point for the pipe construction line.
- Centered The construction line is the centerline of the pipe. The pipe extends to both sides of the construction line. Any transitions in the pipe are concentric.
- Flat on Left The construction line is the left edge of the pipe. The pipe extends to the right of the construction line. Any transitions in the pipe will be eccentric, with the flat edge on the left.
- Flat on Right The construction line is the right edge of the pipe. The pipe extends to the left of the construction line. Any transitions in the pipe will be eccentric, with the flat edge on the right.
☐ Exterior Insulation: Whether the pipe has exterior insulation. Check this box to specify the width of the insulation. The pipe size will include the insulation when drawn in 3D. The insulation is not drawn in 2D.
Size: ▾ The size of the pipe. The list of pipe sizes available can be customized. See the Pipe Sizes section for more information.
- Sized Automatically The pipe size is chosen automatically based upon the flow.
- Specific Size The selected pipe size is used.
Sizing Table: ▾ The table used to calculate the size of the pipe if Size ▾ is set to Sized Automatically. See the Pipe Sizing Tables section for more information.
- Same as Previous The pipe is sized based upon the Sizing Table ▾ of the previous pipe. See the Previous and Next Pipes section for more information about identifying previous pipes.
Layer System: ▾ See the Layer System section for more information.
☐ Transparent The pipe will not be drawn. This setting is useful when you need to draw a custom fitting or piece of equipment in your pipe system. A transparent pipe inserted through the custom graphic keeps the flow connected and allows you to draw the graphics necessary for your design.
☐ Include P-Trap Whether a p-trap is automatically drawn on this fixture when shown in an isometric diagram.
Distance to Farthest Fixture: The longest pipe run from this section of pipe. If the Pipe Calculations command has not been run for the system, this value will display as 0.
Maximum Height: The maximum height of any pipe in this pipe system.
Common Pipe Flow Information
The values that can be specified for pipes are listed below.
- Pipe Flow Category ☰ The type of flow conveyed by the pipe. See the Pipe Flow Categories section for more information about editing pipe flow category settings.
- Fixed Values ☰ The flow for each category for a specific section of pipe.
- Calculated Values ☰ The total flow for each category in this section of pipe.
Common Riser Information
Starting Floor: ▾ The floor on which the riser starts.
Elevation: The elevation of the riser on the starting floor.
Ending Floor: ▾ The floor on which the riser ends.
Ending Floor Elevation: The elevation of the riser on the ending floor.
📄️ Pipe Calculations
To calculate the total flow in a water or gas piping system, go to
📄️ Insert Pipe
To insert a pipe on the drawing, go to
📄️ Query Pipe
To modify a pipe that is inserted on the drawing, go to
📄️ Edit Multiple Pipes
To edit multiple pipes, go to
📄️ Edit Pipe Branch
The Edit Pipe Branch command is used to edit a run of connected pipes. All of the pipes that are connected to the selected pipe will be modified.
📄️ Find Pipe
The Find Pipe command is used to locate a pipe selected in an isometric on the plan view, and vice-versa.
📄️ Insert Pipe Riser
To insert pipe risers and automatically coordinate the riser between multiple floors, go to
📄️ Query Pipe Riser
To query a pipe riser, go to
📄️ Find Pipe Riser
The Find Pipe Riser command is used to follow a pipe riser from one floor to other floors.
📄️ Fillet Pipes
The Fillet Pipes command is used to join two pipes together. This command works similar to the standard CAD FILLET command.
📄️ Offset Pipe
The Offset Pipes command is used to duplicate and offset a pipe. This command works similar to the standard CAD OFFSET command.
📄️ Move Pipe Run
The Move Pipe Run command is used to move part of a pipe run. This command is often used to move a single pipe with several pipes connected to it without needing to adjust the other pipes.
📄️ Break Pipe
The Break Pipe command will break a single pipe into two pipes.
📄️ Remove Pipe Node
To remove a node and combine two pipes into one pipe, go to
📄️ Straighten Next Pipes
The Straighten Next Pipes command is used to make pipes straight relative to the other pipes to which they are connected. The first pipe you select will be treated as straight by the command. All of the pipes that the selected pipe points to will be moved so that they are either parallel, perpendicular, or at a 45-degree angle to the selected pipe.
📄️ Straighten Previous Pipes
The Straighten Previous Pipes command is used to make pipes straight relative to the other pipes to which they are connected. The first pipe you select will be treated as straight by the command. All of the pipes that point to the selected pipe will be moved so that they are either parallel, perpendicular, or at a 45-degree angle to the selected pipe.
📄️ Reverse One Pipe
The Reverse One Pipe command is used to swap the starting and ending points of a selected pipe.
📄️ Reverse Pipe Branch
The Reverse Pipe Branch command is used to reverse a series of pipes in a branch.
📄️ Insert or Move Size Label
To insert or move a size label for a pipe on the drawing, go to
📄️ Erase Size Label
To remove a pipe size label, go to
📄️ Add Label Leader
To add an additional leader to an existing pipe size label, go to
📄️ Remove Pipe Text
The Remove Pipe Text command is used to remove text from pipes that are drawn with inline text. See the Pipe Linetypes section for more information.
📄️ Insert Pipe Text
The Insert Pipe Text command is used to restore text that was removed using the Remove Pipe Text command.
📄️ Insert Pipe Sizing Table
To insert a pipe sizing table on the drawing, go to