Print Load Calculations
To print the load calculations, go to
Ribbon: Print Load Calculations
Pulldown Menu:
Print Load Calculations Dialog Box
Zone or Room to Print ☰ Select the zones and rooms to print. Use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple items. If you select a zone, all of the zones and rooms contained within that zone will be printed.
Select Sections to Print Check the boxes for the information you want to print. See the sections below for more information.
Press this button to set all of the sections to be printed.
Press this button to set none of the sections to be printed.
☐ Print System Loads for Rooms Whether system loads are printed for rooms in addition to room loads. System loads include the ventilation and plenum load, while room loads do not.
If this option is unchecked, the system loads sections will include zones only. It will not display the system load for the rooms in the project.
If this option is checked, the system loads sections will include rooms and zones. This option is often checked when each room corresponds to a complete zone.
☐ Insert Page Break After Each Section Check this box to insert a page break between each section of the load calculation printouts.
Printing the Load Calculations
Press this button to print the loads. If you have recently calculated the loads and not made any changes to your design, you can use this button to save time during the printing process. Otherwise, use the button.
Press this button to run the Calculate Building Load Totals command, then print the loads. Use this button when you have made changes to your design since the last time you ran a calculation.
Both buttons will create an HTML file and display it in your default web browser. You can then print the load calculations using the standard print function of your web browser.
Some of the pages are very wide. You may need to change the page setup to print in landscape mode for everything to fit on the page.
Load Calculation Sections
📄️ Print Project Info
General information about the project.
📄️ Print Building Definition
Information about the definition of the building, including envelope settings and internal load settings.
📄️ Print Supply Air Requirements
Supply air requirements for the zones and rooms in the project.
📄️ Print Ventilation Schedule
A ventilation calculation schedule for zones in the project.
📄️ Print Cooling Detail
Cooling load for the zones and rooms in the project.
📄️ Print Heating Detail
Heating load for the zones and rooms in the project.
📄️ Print Load Summary
A summary of the heating and cooling loads for the zones and rooms in the project.
📄️ Print Psychrometrics
A pyschrometric calculation schedule for zones in the project.