This section describes the commands used to create, modify, and use diffusers.
Common Diffuser Information
The values that can be specified for a diffuser are listed below.
Callout: The name of the diffuser.
☐ Include in Schedule Whether the diffuser type is displayed in the diffuser schedule that is inserted on the drawing. Most diffuser types will have this box checked. It is commonly unchecked for existing diffuser types.
Block Number: An identifier that corresponds to the block used to represent the diffuser. See the Diffuser Blocks section for more information.
Block Type: The type of block used to represent the diffuser. See the Diffuser Blocks section for more information.
Description: A description of the diffuser that will appear on the diffuser schedule on the drawing.
MFR/Model: A description of the model and manufacturer of the diffuser that will appear on the diffuser schedule on the drawing.
Note 1, Note 2, Note 3: Notes that will appear on the diffuser schedule on the drawing.
CFM Range, Min: The minimum airflow for the diffuser.
CFM Range, Max: The maximum airflow for the diffuser.
CFM Range, Noise at Maximum: The noise level of the diffuser when the maximum amount of air is flowing through it. This value is displayed on the diffuser schedule on the drawing.
Airflow: ▾ The type of air flowing through the diffuser. The diffuser layers and block are based upon the airflow.
- Exhaust Exhaust diffuser. The diffuser block typically has a full slash and a half slash.
- Outside Air Outside air diffuser.
- Return Return diffuser. The diffuser block typically has a single full slash.
- Supply Supply diffuser. The diffuser block typically has two slashes.
Throw Range, Min: The minimum distance that the diffuser will throw air. This value is displayed on the diffuser schedule on the drawing.
Throw Range, Max: The maximum distance that the diffuser will throw air. This value is displayed on the diffuser schedule on the drawing.
Pressure Drop Through Diffuser: The pressure drop through the diffuser. This value is displayed on the diffuser schedule on the drawing. This value is provided by the manufacturer.
Face Width: For rectangular, sidewall, and slot diffusers, the width of the diffuser. For round diffusers, this value is the diameter.
Face Depth: For rectangular, sidewall, and slot diffusers, the depth of the diffuser. For round diffusers, this value is ignored.
Nominal Size: The nominal size of the diffuser. This value is displayed on the diffuser schedule on the drawing.
Neck Width: The size of the diffuser neck. This value is either the width or the diameter, depending upon the value of the Neck Depth field.
Neck Depth: The depth of the diffuser neck. If this value is 0, the neck is round.
🔘 Connection Type How ducts connect to the diffuser. This value can be changed on individual diffusers.
- Top / Bottom Ducts connect to the top or bottom of the diffuser, depending upon whether it is located on the ceiling or the floor.
- Side Ducts connect to the side of the diffuser.
🔘 Default Location Where the diffuser is located. This setting controls whether ductwork connects to the diffuser from above or below. This value can be changed on individual diffusers.
- On Ceiling The diffuser is located in the ceiling. The ductwork connecting to the diffuser comes from above.
- On Floor The diffuser is located on the floor. The ductwork connecting to the diffuser comes from below.
📄️ Insert Diffuser
To insert a diffuser on a drawing, go to
📄️ Query Diffuser
To modify a diffuser that is inserted on the drawing, go to
📄️ Edit Multiple Diffusers
To edit multiple diffusers, go to
📄️ Match Diffusers
The Match Diffusers command is used to copy the properties of an existing diffuser on the drawing to one or more other diffusers.
📄️ Array Diffuser (2 Point)
The Array Diffuser (2 Point) command is used to array diffusers on the drawing in a straight line from the first diffuser to a second point.
📄️ Array Diffuser (Distance / Angle)
The Array Diffuser (Distance/Angle) command is used to array devices on the drawing in a straight line from the first diffuser in a set direction with a set distance between each diffuser.
📄️ Insert or Move Callout
The Insert or Move Callout command can be used to either insert a callout on a diffuser that does not have one, or move a callout that already exists on the drawing.
📄️ Remove Callout
To remove a diffuser callout, go to
📄️ Insert Throw Arrow
To insert a diffuser throw arrow, go to
📄️ Remove Throw Arrow
To remove a throw arrow, go to
📄️ Match Throw Arrow
The Match Throw Arrow command is used to copy the throw arrow configuration on an existing diffuser to one or more other diffusers.
📄️ Insert Diffuser Schedule
The Insert Diffuser Schedule command can be used to insert a diffuser schedule on the drawing that lists all of the diffusers used in the current project.
📄️ Diffuser Project Schedule
The diffuser project schedule contains the diffuser types used in the current project.
📄️ Diffuser Master Schedule
The diffuser master schedule contains the diffuser types that could be used by a company on a project. See the Master and Standards Databases section for more information about using master databases.
📄️ Coordinate Diffusers and Light Fixtures
If your company is using both Design Master HVAC and Design Master Electrical, it is possible to insert the light fixtures from Design Master Electrical on your HVAC drawings for coordination with your diffuser plan.
📄️ Erase Coordination Light Fixtures
To erase the diffusers that were placed on the HVAC drawing using the Coordinate Diffusers and Light Fixtures command, go to