Edit Duct Pressure Drop Report
To edit the duct pressure drop report project list, go to
Ribbon: Duct Pressure Drop Report
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To edit the duct pressure drop report standards list, go to
Ribbon: Duct Pressure Drop Report
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Duct Pressure Drop Report Label Display and Order Dialog Box
See the Common Label and Schedule Information section for more information about using the and buttons and the Key ☰, Label, Width, Justification ▾, and ☐ Display fields.
Values in the Key ☰ column are listed alphabetically below.
Airflow Volume The volume of air flowing through the duct section.
Duct ID The label and number identifying the duct. The ID is matched to a label on the drawing. Use the Pressure Drop Report Duct ID Block option in the Miscellaneous options section to set the block used for the duct ID.
Duct Length The length of the duct section.
Fitting C-Value The c-value used to calculate the pressure drop through the previous fitting.
Fitting Table The fitting table used to calculate the c-value for the fitting. The fitting tables used are a combination of tables taken from ASHRAE and SMACNA.
Pressure Drop in Section The pressure drop through the straight run of ductwork.
Pressure Drop in Fitting The pressure drop through the fitting previous to the duct section. Equal to the c-value times the velocity pressure.
Static Pressure at End of Duct The static pressure at the end of the duct section.
Static Pressure at Start of Duct The static pressure at the start of the duct section.
Total Pressure at End of Duct The total pressure at the end of the duct section.
Total Pressure at Start of Duct The total pressure at the start of the duct section.
Velocity The air velocity in the duct section.
Velocity Pressure The velocity pressure in the duct section.