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City Definitions

The City Definitions command is used to create and define environmental conditions for cities that can be used in projects. A default list of US cities, grouped by state, is included. The temperature numbers are the 1% numbers taken from ASHRAE Weather Data Viewer 2.1.

To view and modify the city list, go to
Ribbon: DMH: Customization→Master & Standards Customization→  City Definitions
Pulldown Menu: DM HVAC→Building Definition→Schedules→City Definitions

City List Dialog Box

See the Common Schedule Dialog Box Features section for more information about how this dialog box works. This section describes the , , , , , , , and buttons.

  •  Current City Group: The active city group is listed here. All of the cities that are created and modified will be associated with this group. The default customization defines each state as a separate group.

  •   Press this button to open the City Groups dialog box. The group selected will become the current group. See the Common Groups Dialog Box Features section for more information.

  •  City: The name of the city.

  •  Latitude: The latitude at which the city is located.

  •  Elevation: The elevation at which the city is located.

Outside Air Temperatures

All temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit.

  •  OSA Low Temperature Dry Bulb: The temperature used when calculating heating loads.

  •  OSA Daily Range: The temperature range during the day used when calculating cooling loads.

  •  January:, February: . . . November:, December: The outside air high temperatures used when calculating cooling loads for each month.

  •  OSA High Dry The outside air dry-bulb temperature for the specified month used when calculating cooling loads.

  •  OSA High Wet The outside air wet-bulb temperature for the specified month used when calculating cooling loads.