Roof Project Schedule
The roof project schedule contains the roof types available to be used in the current project.
To create and modify roof types, go to
Ribbon: Roof Project Schedule
Pulldown Menu:
Roof Project Schedule Dialog Box
See the Common Schedule Dialog Box Features section for more information about how this dialog box works. This section describes the , , , , , , , and buttons.
See the Import from Another Database and Import from Master Schedule sections for more information about importing roof types to the current project from other locations.
Roof Type: The name of the roof type.
U-Value: The heat transfer coefficient of the roof.
ASHRAE Roof Type: ▾ The roof type as defined in the 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. This value is used to determine the rate of solar heat transfer through the roof. See the ASHRAE Glass Zone, Roof, & Wall Types and Roof, Wall, and Glass Zone Type Tables articles in the knowledge base for more information.
🔘 Color The color of the roof. The CLTD method recommends that you select Dark and not adjust the roof load based upon the color.
Light The roof is a light color. The cooling load will be reduced by 50% when this color is selected.
Dark The roof is a dark color. The cooling load will be taken directly from the CLTD table with no scaling.
Description: A longer description of the roof type. Displayed when selecting the roof type and in the Roof Types table of the Export Building Information printout.