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Viewing and Printing Load Calculations

This tutorial teaches you how to view and print load calculations for rooms, zones, and the entire building.

Open drawing M-1.0.

View Loads for the Lobby​

  1. Run the View Room Load command.
    Ribbon: DM HVAC→Load Calculations→  View Room Load
    Pulldown Menu: DM HVAC→Load Calculations→View Room Load

  2. Select a point inside the lobby. The Load Detail dialog box will open.

  3. Under Supply Air Requirements ☰, Cooling ☰, set Time ▟ to 5 am. The other Cooling ☰ values will update to reflect the change.

  4. Under Cooling Load ☰, set Time ▟ to 12 pm. The other Cooling Load ☰ values will update to reflect the change.

  5. Press the button to close the dialog box.

View Loads for Zone AHU​

  1. Run the Zone Tree command. The Zone Tree dialog box will open.
    Ribbon: DM HVAC→Building Definition→  Zone Tree
    Pulldown Menu: DM HVAC→Building Definition→Zones→Zone Tree

  2. Select Zone AHU and press the button. You should get a dialog box that says,


    The load in this zone has not been calculated.
    Would you like to calculate it now?

  3. Press the button. The Load Detail dialog box will open.

This dialog box functions the same way as the dialog box for the room load. Press the button to close the dialog box.

View Loads for the Building​

  1. Run the Print Load Calculations command. The Print Load Calculations dialog box will open.
    Ribbon: DM HVAC→Load Calculations→  Print Load Calculations
    Pulldown Menu: DM HVAC→Load Calculations→Print Load Calculations

  2. Select (SEATTLE, INT'L AIRPORT, WA) from the list.

  3. Press the button.

Loads will be calculated for the entire project and saved as an HTML file in the project folder. The file will open automatically in your default browser, where you can view and print it.