Creating Zones
This tutorial teaches you how to create zones.
You will create three zones and assign rooms to them. Zones can be created in any drawing in your project.
Open drawing M-1.0.
Create Zone AHU​
Run the
Zone List command. The Zones dialog box will open.
Ribbon:DM HVAC→Building Definition→  Zone List
Pulldown Menu:DM HVAC→Building Definition→Zones→Zone List -
Press the button. The New dialog box will open.
Set New Zone Name to AHU.
Press the button to create the zone.
Press the button to save your changes.
Create Zone VAV-1​
Press the button. The New dialog box will open.
Set New Zone Name to VAV-1.
Press the button to create the zone.
Set Zone Above ▾ to AHU.
Press the button to save your changes.
Create Zone VAV-2​
Press the button. The Copy dialog box will open.
Set New Zone Name to VAV-2.
Press the button to create the zone.
Press the button to save your changes.
Press the button to close the dialog box.
Assign Rooms to Zones​
Run the
Zone Tree command. The Zone Tree dialog box will open.
Ribbon:DM HVAC→Building Definition→  Zone Tree
Pulldown Menu:DM HVAC→Building Definition→Zones→Zone Tree -
Drag and drop Room Lobby onto Zone AHU.
Drag and drop Room Concession and Room Kitchen onto Zone VAV-1.
noteYou can use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple rooms.
Drag and drop Room Corridor onto Zone VAV-2.
Press the button to close the dialog box.