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Prompted to Open the "Install" Drawing on Every Drawing

Why does Design Master ask me to open the Install drawing very time I open a drawing?


You have accidentally set one of the installation VLX or DES files to load each time you run AutoCAD or BricsCAD.


To fix this problem in AutoCAD:

  1. Type APPLOAD at the command line.
  2. Press the  button in the Startup Suite area of the Load/Unload Applications dialog box.
  3. Remove any files from the list related to Design Master. For Design Master HVAC, it is typically hvac-loadInAutoCAD.vlx.

To fix this problem in BricsCAD:

  1. Type APPLOAD at the command line.
  2. In the Load Application Files dialog box, look for hvac-loadInAutoCAD.des.
  3. Uncheck the ☐ AutoLoad setting.