Database Version Error
When I try to use Design Master HVAC, I get a warning that the project, master, or standards database has been updated to a newer version and can't use any commands.​
The most common reason for this warning is that someone in your company—or your Design Master HVAC install on another machine—modified the database using a newer version than the one installed on your current machine. It can also happen if you were on one version of Design Master HVAC, then ran an old installer that rolled the software back to an older version.
Because Design Master HVAC is not backwards-compatible, if the database has been modified by someone running a newer version, you must update your current machine to at least that same version.
Typically, closing AutoCAD, updating to the latest version of Design Master HVAC, and reopening AutoCAD will fix the problem. If you tried updating and are still receiving a database version error, you may be experiencing one or more of the issues detailed below.
The update was not installed to the correct location​
By default, the installer will install Design Master HVAC to C:\Program Files\Design Master Software
. If your machine is not running the software from that location, it will not receive the update. You can check your current installation location by running the Installation Settings command.
If 🔘 Install Type is set to Local, the default location should be correct. The error is likely caused by one of the other issues detailed below.
If 🔘 Install Type is set to Network or Network Laptop, the update must be installed to the folder listed in the Network Install Folder field. Run the installer again and specify that folder.
If your company has multiple Design Master HVAC users, a network or network laptop install is recommended.
If the software is installed locally on every machine, updates need to be applied to each machine individually.
If every machine is drawing from the same Network Install Folder location, updates only need to be applied once to that folder.
Design Master support issued a patch that has not been widely released​
When a user finds a bug, Design Master support will often send a patch to that user to fix the problem. Later, the software will be updated to include any patches issued since the previous update.
If one machine received the patch and installed it locally, it may register as a newer version than what is installed on other machines.
Ask around the office or contact Design Master support to see if anyone has installed a patch recently. If so, the patch will need to be distributed to every machine.
If your company is using a network or network laptop install, and every machine is drawing from the same Network Install Folder location, patches only need to be installed once to be applied to every machine.
The update is being blocked by an AutoCAD support path​
Design Master HVAC folders must be included in the AutoCAD Support File Search Path for the software to operate. Visit Understanding the AutoCAD Support Path for more information about support paths and how to configure them.
Design Master HVAC will be loaded from the first support path that contains Design Master files. If you are installing the update to the correct location, but a folder containing old files is higher in the list of support paths, your machine will not recognize the update.
Run the Installation Settings command. Note all of the file paths listed, then press the button to close the dialog box. Pressing will ensure the listed paths are included as AutoCAD support paths.
Next, run the AutoCAD OPTIONS command to view your support paths. Make sure all of the file paths listed in the Installation Settings dialog box are at or near the top of the list. More importantly, make sure no other folders in the support paths contain Design Master files.
Your browser is downloading a cached installer​
In some cases, when you download the installer from the website, your web browser will not download the file that is actually available. It will instead re-download an earlier version of the installer that you downloaded previously.
To check if you have the latest installer, right-click the file in Windows Explorer and select Properties. The installer version will be listed on the Details tab and should match the version at the top of the Design Master HVAC release notes.
Try clearing the cache for your web browser or using a different web browser.