ASHRAE Glass Zone, Roof, and Wall Types
When defining rooms, roofs, walls, and doors in your project, you can set a Glass Zone Type ▾, ASHRAE Roof Type ▾, or ASHRAE Wall Type ▾. These types are based upon the 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook.
The charts below illustrate how thermal lag and heat transfer differ among the available types.
Glass Zone Types​
The Glass Zone Type ▾ is set in the room definition and affects the thermal lag of the solar load.
Lower zone types have higher peak values that quickly fall off. Higher zone types have lower peak values that fall off more slowly.
The graph below is based upon Table 36, page 28.50. The types are based upon Table 35B.
Roof Types​
The ASHRAE Roof Type ▾ is set in the roof definition and affects solar heat transfer through the roof.
Generally, lower roof types have lighter construction and transfer heat more quickly. Higher roof types have heavier construction and transfer heat more slowly.
The graph below is based upon Table 30, page 28.42. The types are based upon Table 31.
Wall Types​
The ASHRAE Wall Type ▾ is set in the wall definition and door definition affects solar heat transfer through walls and doors.
Generally, lower wall types have lighter construction and transfer heat more quickly. Higher wall types have heavier construction and transfer heat more slowly.
The graph below is based upon Table 32, page 28.43. The types are based upon Table 33.