Building Loads
The articles in this section explain how different building load calculations work or provide additional context to building load-related concepts in Design Master HVAC.
📄️ Roof, Wall, and Glass Zone Type Tables
The roof, wall, and glass types defined in DM HVAC are taken from these tables in the 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals.
📄️ Return Fan Load
The return fan motor load cannot be specified in HVAC load calculations, as it is assumed to already be accounted for.
📄️ Curved Walls
Curved lines for Design Master HVAC room outlines can only be approximated using multiple points.
📄️ Ventilation Calculations
Design Master HVAC offers two methods for calculating the ventilation air required in a zone; minimum, and ASHRAE 62.1.
📄️ Correctly Using ASHRAE 62.1 or International Mechanical Code (IMC) Ventilation Calculations
When calculating ventilation rates, make sure you set the calculation method in Project Info as well as set the ventilation rates for rooms types according to the code being used.
📄️ ASHRAE Glass Zone, Roof, and Wall Types
These charts illustrate the difference between the available glass zone, roof, and wall types defined by ASHRAE.
📄️ Manual J Calculations
Design Master HVAC does not specifically include Manual J as a calculation basis, but will provide results that are at least as precise.