Editing Panels
To use ElectroBIM in a project that is in-progress, you need to add some information to your current electrical model.
Start by going to the Panel Edit command. All of the distribution equipment in your project will be listed here. You will need to:
- Review the feeder settings for each piece of equipment and confirm they are correct.
- Set the kVA for each transformer.
- Set the starting fault at the equipment connected to the utility.
Review Feeder Settings​
Go to the Feeder section for each piece of distribution equipment. The feeder size is based upon the Conductor ▾ setting. By default, the feeder size will be based upon the OCP Trip ▾ setting in the Upstream Connection section.
For panels, the default value of OCP Trip ▾ is Same as main disconnect or bus size. The feeder will be sized based upon the Bus Size / Mains ▾ value in the Definition section.
For transformers, the default value of OCP Trip ▾ is Size to match kVA. The feeder will be sized based upon the Size ▾ value in the Definition section.
To override the feeder size, use the Conductor ▾, Neutral ▾, and Ground ▾ fields.
The feeder length is calculated automatically and displayed in the dialog box. You can override the length if needed. You do not have to use the calculated length.
Set Transformer kVA​
For transformers, you need to specify the Size ▾ in the Definition section. Using a standard Revit model, there is no standard transformer kVA field.
Set Starting Fault​
Go to the transformer connected to the utility or the topmost piece of distribution equipment in your model. In the Fault Calculations section, set the Utility Fault at Device ▾ to Fixed and enter the appropriate value.
If you do not enter the fault at the distribution equipment at the top of the tree in your model, an infinite fault from the utility is assumed. The fault schedule will display UTILITY for the fault value.