Circuit Descriptions
With ElectroBIM, circuit descriptions can be changed in several different places to give you greater control over the values displayed in the panel schedule.
By default, this functionality is disabled so you can continue setting circuit descriptions through typical Revit methods if you prefer. To control your circuit descriptions using ElectroBIM, set Circuit description method ▾ in the Project Options command to Use ElectroBIM circuit descriptions.
The sections below explain how the workflow changes for setting circuit descriptions when using ElectroBIM.
Do Not Change Descriptions in Panel Schedules or Circuits​
Do not change the circuit description in the panel schedule. Do not change the Revit Load Name parameter in the electrical circuit.
These values are now controlled by ElectroBIM, and any changes made directly to these values will be overwritten. Instead, use the various
How to Use ElectroBIM Circuit Description Settings​
For projects that have ElectroBIM circuit descriptions enabled, the circuit description is controlled by the settings in the family, instance, and circuit.
You can change the circuit description for a family, and each type in the family, using the Family Edit command. This will ensure every family instance inserted in the model will have the same default circuit description.
You can change the circuit description for a specific device in a project using the Instance Edit command. It can override the value set in the
Finally, you can add additional information to a circuit description or replace it entirely at the circuit level using the Circuit Edit command.
Families that have not been configured using the
Do not modify the Revit Load Name parameter in the electrical circuit. Changes to that field will appear to be saved, but will be lost when the circuit is recalculacted or modified. Using the