Advanced Topics
This section covers advanced topics about ElectroBIM.
📄️ Feeder Sizing Basis
The wire size for a given ampacity is set in the Wire Ampacities command. This section describes the NEC values used for the default wire sizing and for adjustments due to ambient temperature.
📄️ Fault Calculation Basis
The fault calculations are based upon IEEE Std 242-2001: IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
📄️ Voltage Drop Calculation Basis
Voltage drop calculations are based upon the calculated load, power factor, and other properties of the device(s) and connected wires.
📄️ Arc-Flash Calculation Basis
Arc-flash calculations are based upon IEEE Std 1584-2018.
📄️ Modifying Panel Schedules
The wire sizes calculated by ElectroBIM do not use the built-in wire size parameters in Revit. To display the values in your panel schedules, you need to modify your schedule template and change the values that are displayed.
📄️ Setting Default Customization Values
Default customization values can be set using either a Revit template or the Customization→Export and Customization→Import commands.
📄️ Neutrals
Neutrals cannot be added to or removed from feeders and branch circuits using ElectroBIM commands. Whether the software includes a neutral is based upon the Revit settings described below.
📄️ Shared Parameters
ElectroBIM adds shared parameters to distribution equipment and branch circuits in Revit. They can be used like any other shared parameters. Some of them are used in the default schedules created by the Schedules commands.
📄️ Using Parameters for ElectroBIM Settings
Some device settings in the Family Edit, Panel Edit, and Instance Edit commands have a Based on parameter option you can use to have the setting controlled by a family parameter or shared parameter on the device.
📄️ Worksharing With ElectroBIM
When using ElectroBIM on projects that have worksharing enabled, certain commands operate differently to accommodate those workflows.