Performing Selective Coordination
How to perform selective coordination.
Start in the SELECTIVE COORDINATION drafting view.
Set Breaker Curves for Transformer T1 and Panel DP
Run the
ElectroBIM Design→ command. If prompted to select a distribution equipment to edit, press ESC. The Panel Edit dialog box will open.Panel Edit
Select transformer T1 from the list.
Beside OCP Trip ▾, press the button. The OCP Device Settings dialog box will open.
Press the button. The OCP Curve Search dialog box will open.
In the Filter field, enter Eaton PDG Thermal.
Select the Eaton->Molded Case Circuit Breaker->Power Defense->Frame 1->PDG->Thermal Magnetic breaker highlighted in green.
Press the button to close the OCP Curve Search dialog box, then press the to close the OCP Device Settings dialog box.
Select panel DP from the list and, beside Main Disconnect Trip ▾, press the button. The OCP Device Settings dialog box will open.
Press the button. The OCP Curve Search dialog box will open.
Search for and select the Eaton->Molded Case Circuit Breaker->Power Defense->Frame 3->PDC3->PXR 10 | Power Defense PDC3, Trip Unit: PXR 10 (LI), Frame: 250A breaker highlighted in green.
Press the button to close the OCP Curve Search dialog box, then press the to close the OCP Device Settings dialog box.
Press the button to close the dialog box.
Create the Selective Coordination Graph
Run the
ElectroBIM Design→ command. The Insert Selective Coordination Graph dialog box will open.Graph Insert
Press the button. The Select Distribution Equipment dialog box will open.
Select transformer T1 from the list and press the button to close the dialog box.
Repeat steps 2-3 for panel DP. When asked which OCP device you want to display on the graph, select .
Press the button to close the dialog box.
Follow the prompts to insert the graph on the drafting view.
Modify the Breaker Curve
Run the
ElectroBIM Design→ command.Panel Edit
On the graph, select the curve or label for panel DP. The Panel Edit dialog box will open.
Set Main Disconnect Trip ▾ to 250.
Beside Main Disconnect Trip ▾, press the button. The OCP Device Settings dialog box will open.
Using the button or the Group ☰ list, set the breaker to Eaton->Molded Case Circuit Breaker->Power Defense->Frame 2->PDC2->PXR 20 | Power Defence PDC2, Trip Unit: PXR 20, Frame: 250A.
Press the button to close the dialog box.
Press the button to close the dialog box.
The graph will update to reflect the changes.