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Single-Line Diagram Graphic Families in ElectroBIM

Learn how to get the most out of your single-line diagram graphics.

We look at the following topics for single-line diagram graphic families:

  • Using a 1:12 scale factor for your drafting view
  • Where to find your graphic families, and notes about Revit version control
  • Setting and modifying line styles
  • Customizing the text styles used by single-line diagram labels
  • A note about customizing graphic families in general
  • How ElectroBIM uses graphics projects to insert graphics with labels
    • Customizing default graphic dimensions
    • When you do (and don't) need to modify the graphics project
  • How shared parameters work with single-line diagram graphics and labels
    • Customizing the shared parameters embedded in graphic families
    • Using and customizing single-line diagram labels
  • Customizing device graphic lists using the Single-Line Diagram Device Graphics command
  • Working with different single-line diagram graphics
  • Customizing feeder graphic lists using the Single-Line Diagram Feeder Graphics command