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Custom Single-Line Diagram Equipment Graphics

Learn how to customize the equipment graphics for your single-line diagram. We look at modifying the graphics provided with ElectroBIM and creating your own from scratch.

We look at the following topics for customizing single-line diagram equipment graphics:

  • Accessing your single-line diagram graphic files using the User Options command
  • Creating a custom equipment graphic using an existing family
  • Modifying the feeder connection points for the graphic
  • Nested families inside ElectroBIM single-line diagram graphic families
  • Adding new graphic families to your ElectroBIM customization using the Single-Line Diagram Device Graphics command
  • Creating a custom equipment graphic from scratch
  • Adding shared parameters to custom graphic families
  • Refreshing the graphic definition after making a change
  • Setting default labels for single-line graphics using a Revit project

We also answer the following question:

  • "How do I effectively manage the single-line graphics for my company?"