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Voltage Drop in Revit with ElectroBIM

Learn how ElectroBIM calculates voltage drop. Dig into both the calculations themselves and all the settings that you can adjust.

We look at the following topics for voltage drop:

  • What goes into the voltage drop calculation
  • Defining terms used in ElectroBIM
  • Modifying voltage drop settings for feeders using the Panel Edit, Project Options, and Wire Ampacities commands
    • Viewing the load on the device
    • Setting resistance using the feeder size and power factor
    • Setting the feeder length
  • Manually and automatically upsizing feeders to reduce voltage drop
  • Creating and modifying Revit schedules with ElectroBIM shared parameters using the Schedules→Voltage Drop and Schedules→Voltage Drop Review commands
  • What happens to the ground when upsizing feeders
  • Voltage drop and transformers
  • Modifying voltage drop settings for branch circuits using the Circuit Edit command and previously mentioned commands and settings
  • Making adjustments to reduce voltage drop on a single circuit
  • Using ElectroBIM voltage drop shared parameters