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What to Do When ElectroBIM Crashes

When our software crashes, here is what you can do to help us solve the problem:

  1. If you get a dialog box asking you if you want to submit a crash log to us, press the button. We read and respond to every crash report we receive. We are typically able to use the information to fix the problem and immediately send a patch back to you.

  2. If submitting the crash log does not work, take a screenshot of the error message displaying the crash log and email it to

  3. If ElectroBIM crashes Revit to the desktop, restart Revit and see if the crash happens again. If it does, send us an email at The more information you can provide about the crash, the better our chances of fixing it.

  4. Sometimes we will need your project to recreate the crash. You can use the Send Files to Design Master Software page to send us your project and any other files we may need. You can also provide your email address and any additional information about the crash, such as the crash log.