Bus Size / Mains Locked in Revit
When I run the Panel Edit command and try to modify the Bus Size / Mains ▾ field for a panel, the value is locked. How do I unlock it?
The Bus Size / Mains ▾ field uses Revit's built-in Mains parameter. If ElectroBIM is unable to modify that parameter, the field will be locked. The possible reasons and solutions are detailed below.
Bus Size / Mains Set in the Family Edit Command
In the Family Edit command for the panel family, if Device type ▾ is set to Distribution equipment: Panel, you can set the Bus Size / Mains ▾ for the family and each type within the family.
If this value is set at the family level, it will be locked for the instances in the project.
You can modify the Bus Size / Mains ▾ field at the family level to what it should be for each type. You can also set the field to Set in instance, which will allow you to edit the value at the instance in the
After making any changes, use the Revit Load into Project command to reload the family definition in the project.
Revit Mains Parameter set to Type
Some Revit users prefer to change the Mains parameter from an 🔘 Instance parameter to a 🔘 Type parameter for their panel families. While this is more intuitive for how bus size relates to panels in the real world, it also renders the parameter uneditable in the project.
Undo this change in the panel family using the following steps:
Run the Revit Family Types command. Confirm the Mains parameter has a value; if it does not, enter a value.
Press the button to save your changes and close the dialog box.
Run the Revit Family Category and Parameters command.
Change the Family Category ☰ from Electrical Equipment to any other category, such as Generic Models.
Press the button to save your changes and close the dialog box.
Run the Revit Family Types command.
Select the Mains parameter and press the button.
In the Parameter Data section, change Type ▾ to Instance.
Press the button, then the button again to save your changes and close the dialog box.
Repeat steps 3-5, changing the Family Category ☰ back to Electrical Equipment.
Run the Revit Load into Project command to reload the family definition in the project.
Revit Mains Parameter Associated With a Global Parameter or Formula
If the Mains parameter has been assigned a global parameter in the project, or has been assigned a formula in the panel family, it can no longer be edited directly.
To check if a global parameter has been assigned in the project:
Select the panel.
In the Properties panel, find the Mains parameter.
If the button to the right of the parameter has a = symbol, a global parameter has been assigned.
Press the = button.
Select <none> from the list and press the button to unassign the parameter.
To check if a formula has been assigned, in the panel family:
Run the Family Types command.
Find the Mains parameter.
Erase everything in the Formula column for the parameter.
Press the button to save your changes.
Use the Revit Load into Project command to reload the family definition in the project.