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Linked Revit Model Room Names in Circuit Descriptions

How can I get room names from a linked model to appear in my ElectroBIM circuit descriptions?​

While room information from the linked model can be displayed on plans, Revit does not use the linked model to populate the Room: Name or Space: Name parameters in electrical devices. As a result, ElectroBIM can't find that information to include it in the circuit description. You will need to define the rooms as spaces in your electrical model for them to carry through to the devices and circuit descriptions. Fortunately, Revit does have tools to speed up the process. Visit the Importing Space & Room Names From a Linked Model article for more information.


If you have completed the steps to import your space and room names, but your circuit descriptions still aren't populating, here are some common issues you can check:

  • In the Circuit Description section of the Project Options command, check the following settings:

    • Circuit description method ▾ must be set to Use ElectroBIM circuit descriptions. Otherwise, ElectroBIM will not make any changes to the circuit descriptions, including adding room names.
    • Include room names in circuit descriptions ▾ must be set to Yes.
  • In the Circuit Edit command, check the following settings on any circuits not showing the room name:

    • Description Replacement must be blank. Circuit descriptions that are being manually overridden will not include room names.
    • Include Room Name in Description ▾ must be set to Default(Yes) or Yes.
  • The device location is determined by its insertion point. For devices like recessed lights, this can result in them technically existing outside of the room they occupy.

    To solve this, edit the family, then enable the Room Calculation Point parameter in the Properties panel. This will add a moveable point to the family, as shown below.

    The location of this point in the model will determine what room the device occupies. Set the room calculation point, then reload the family into the project.