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Bus Ducts in Revit

How do I add a bus duct to my Revit model so that ElectroBIM can provide accurate calculations? How do I draft the bus duct on the single-line diagram?​

There are three different methods depending on how you want to model your bus duct, detailed below.


The steps below assume you will insert devices in the Revit model first, then insert them on the single-line diagram afterward.


This article deals with modeling and drafting the bus duct itself. For more information about different ways to model connections to the bus duct, visit the Bus Ducts in Revit training video.

Use a single bus duct family instance for the entire elevation of the building and connect your bus plugs or panels to circuits on the bus duct.


  1. Insert each device in the Revit model as normal.

  2. Connect the bus duct to the device feeding it.

  3. Connect the bus plug on each floor, or the most upstream panel on each floor, to the bus duct.

  4. For each of those connections, in the Upstream Connection section of the Panel Edit command, set Conductor ▾ to Custom. New fields will appear to define the custom feeder.

  5. Set the Callout, X, and R fields to appropriate values for the connections.


    The reactance and resistance for the bus duct are provided by the manufacturer. If the provided values are not in Ohms per 1000', you will need to convert them.

  6. Set the Length ▾ field to Fixed. Enter the length of the feeder connecting the plug or panel to the bus duct in the field provided.

Single-Line Diagram​

  1. Use the Insert Link command to insert the device feeding the bus duct.

  2. Use the Insert Link command to insert the bus duct.


    Using one of the default Panel with Bus or Switchboard graphics is recommended, as the grip points will allow you to stretch the bus duct to the necessary size, and downstream feeders will connect to the bus rather than the side of the graphic.

  3. Use the Insert Link command to insert a bus plug or panel that is connected to the bus duct. The feeder will be drawn to the bus duct.

  4. Use the Insert Link or Copy Link command to insert the rest of the bus plugs or connected panels.

Multiple Bus Duct Family Instances​

Use a bus duct family instance for each floor of the building, connect the sections to one another, and connect your bus plugs or panels to circuits on the bus duct for the corresponding floor.

This method generally provides the most comprehensive calculations but will take the longest to set up.


  1. Insert each device in the Revit model as normal.

  2. Connect the first bus duct section to the device feeding it.

  3. Enable the Revit Feed Through Lugs parameter for the bus duct section.

  4. Connect the next bus duct section to the previous section using a feedthrough connection.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until each bus duct section is connected in a series of feedthrough connections.

  6. Connect the bus plug on each floor, or the most upstream panel on each floor, to the bus duct section for that floor.

  7. For each of those connections, in the Upstream Connection section of the Panel Edit command, set Conductor ▾ to Custom. New fields will appear to define the custom feeder.

  8. Set the Callout, X, and R fields to appropriate values for the connections.


    The reactance and resistance for the bus duct are provided by the manufacturer. If the provided values are not in Ohms per 1000', you will need to convert them.

Single-Line Diagram​

  1. Use the Insert Link command to insert the device feeding the bus duct.

  2. Use the Insert Link command to insert the first bus duct section.


    Using one of the default Panel with Bus or Switchboard graphics is recommended, as feedthrough and downstream connections will automatically connect to the appropriate parts of the bus.

  3. Use the Insert Link or Copy Link command to insert the rest of the bus duct sections.

  4. Use the Insert Link command to insert a bus plug or panel that is connected to the bus duct. The feeder will be drawn to the corresponding bus duct section.

  5. Use the Insert Link or Copy Link command to insert the rest of the bus plugs or connected panels.

Rather than use a bus duct family instance or another device as a stand-in for the bus duct, connect your bus plugs or panels directly to the device feeding the bus duct.


This method is generally not recommended, as the connections will not accurately reflect how the devices will be connected during construction.


  1. Insert each device in the Revit model as normal.

  2. Connect the bus plug on each floor, or the most upstream panel on each floor, to the device feeding the bus duct.

  3. For each of those connections, in the Upstream Connection section of the Panel Edit command, set Conductor ▾ to Custom. New fields will appear to define the custom feeder.

  4. Set the Callout, X, and R fields to appropriate values for the connections.


    The reactance and resistance for the bus duct are provided by the manufacturer. If the provided values are not in Ohms per 1000', you will need to convert them.

  5. Set the Length ▾ field to Fixed. Enter the length of the feeder connecting the plug or panel to the bus duct in the field provided.

Single-Line Diagram​

  1. Use the Insert Link command to insert the device feeding the bus duct.

  2. Using Revit commands, manually draft the bus duct.

  3. Use the Insert Link command to insert a bus plug or panel that is connected to the bus duct. The feeder will be drawn to the upstream device.

  • Use the Feeder Draw command to redraw the feeder so it connects to the manually drafted bus duct.

  • Use the Copy Link command to insert the rest of the bus plugs or connected panels. Using this command will save time by duplicating the feeder you drew in step 4.