Common Device Settings
This section describes settings that are common to multiple types of devices.
📄️ Elevation
All devices can be assigned an elevation. The 2D and 3D blocks for the device will be inserted at the specified elevation. For 3D blocks, whether this elevation is the top, center, or bottom elevation is based upon the block.
📄️ Layer System
All devices that can be inserted on a drawing are assigned a layer system. The layer system controls the layers that are used when the device is inserted.
📄️ Schedule Notes
Schedule records have three Schedule Note fields.
📄️ Load Information
Loads on devices are defined by the following fields.
📄️ Distance Input Format
Distances are specified in feet-inches. For example, a distance of 5 feet 6 inches should be entered as 5-6. A single number without a dash is interpreted as a distance in feet or inches as denoted by the item label.