Insert Takeoff Area
To create a takeoff area, go to
Ribbon:  Insert Takeoff Area
Pulldown Menu:
Insert Takeoff Area Dialog Box​
See the Common Takeoff Information section for more information about how this dialog box works.
Enter a name for the takeoff area and press the button.
You will be prompted to specify the first point of the takeoff area.
First point of takeoff area:
You will then be prompted to specify the next point.
Specify next point:
Continue inserting points until the takeoff area outline is defined. Press ENTER to complete the takeoff area outline.
A polyline will appear representing your takeoff area. The polyline is on a non-plotting layer and will not display on printed drawing files.
When a takeoff is performed in the area, all of the branch circuit devices in the area will be included. Circuits will be included in the takeoff if the device the homerun is drawn from is inside the area.