Distribution Equipment Schedules
Several schedules can be inserted on the drawing to document your design.
Schedules are not updated automatically. When you update your design, you need to manually update your schedules.
You can use the Update All Schedules and One-Line Diagram command to update all of the schedules on the current drawing.
📄️ Insert Distribution Equipment Schedule
A distribution equipment schedule lists the description, load total summary, and individual circuits and taps for a specific distribution equipment.
📄️ Update Distribution Equipment Schedule
Design Master Electrical does not automatically update distribution equipment schedules when changes are made to the drawing. You must manually update the schedules before plotting to ensure the schedules reflect the most recent changes.
📄️ Insert Feeder Schedule
To insert or update a feeder schedule, go to
📄️ Insert Fault Schedule
The Insert Fault Schedule command is used to calculate and display the fault current at all distribution equipment. See the Fault Calculation Method section for information about how fault is calculated.
📄️ Insert Voltage Drop Schedule
The Voltage Drop Schedule command is used to calculate and display the voltage drop on the feeders and branch circuits in the project. See the Voltage Drop Calculation Method section for information about how voltage drop is calculated.
📄️ Insert Arc-Flash Schedule
The Insert Arc-Flash Schedule command is used to insert a schedule on the drawing that displays the results of the arc-flash calculations. You can set the schedule to include all of the information in the Arc-Flash Settings dialog box. The default schedule displays only the most relevant fields.
📄️ Insert Selective Coordination Graph
The Insert Selective Coordination Graph command is used to create coordination graphs for breakers and fuses on the distribution equipment and equipment connections in your project. Distribution equipment curves are defined in the General Settings and Feeder Specification settings of the distribution equipment dialog box. Equipment connection curves are defined in the Create Equipment dialog box.
📄️ Update Selective Coordination Graph
The Update Selective Coordination Graph command is used to update a selective coordination graph to reflect any changes to your design. Graphs are not automatically updated when changes are made. You must manually update them.
📄️ Edit Selective Coordination Graph
To modify a selective coordination graph that is inserted on the drawing, go to
📄️ Edit Curve
The Edit Curve command is used to set or modify the curve for a distribution equipment or equipment connection in a selective coordination graph. See the Reading and Configuring Time-Current Curves article in the knowledge base for more information about how the settings in this dialog box affect the curve.
📄️ Print Distribution Equipment Schedule
The Print Distribution Equipment Schedule command is used to create a distribution equipment schedule as an HTML file that can be printed.
📄️ Print Arc-Flash Stickers
The Print Arc-Flash Stickers command is used to create a sticker for each distribution equipment that has Calculate Arc-Flash set to Yes in the Arc-Flash Settings dialog box.