One-Line Diagrams
This section describes commands for creating and modifying the one-line diagram.
Several videos are available in the One-Line Diagram section of the knowledge base.
📄️ Update One-Line Diagram
Use the Update One-Line Diagram command to update your one-line diagram to reflect any changes to your design.
📄️ Insert Distribution Equipment
The Insert Distribution Equipment command is used to insert distribution equipment and equipment connections on the drawing for the one-line diagram.
📄️ Connect Distribution Equipment on One-Line Diagram
The Connect Distribution Equipment on One-Line Diagram command is used to connect distribution equipment that has been inserted on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Generate One-Line
The Generate One-Line command creates a one-line diagram for distribution equipment and any downstream distribution equipment and equipment connections in a vertical, one-line configuration.
📄️ Generate Riser
The Generate Riser command creates a one-line diagram for distribution equipment and any downstream distribution equipment and equipment connections in a horizontal, riser configuration. Devices with a specified elevation are stacked vertically according to elevation.
📄️ Edit Distribution Equipment
The Edit Distribution Equipment command is used to change the settings of distribution equipment on the drawing.
📄️ Move Distribution Equipment
The Move Distribution Equipment command is used to move distribution equipment on the drawing. Using this command will also move any feeders and downstream connections attached to the equipment.
📄️ Change Graphics
The Change Graphics command is used to change the graphics displayed for distribution equipment, equipment connections, and feeders on the drawing. Blocks can be added to the start and the end of feeders. The block used for the OCP in the feeder can also be changed.
📄️ Change Layer System
The Change Layer System command is used to change the layer system for distribution equipment and feeders on the drawing.
📄️ Change Linked Database Record
The Change Linked Database Record command is used to change which distribution equipment or feeder is represented by a graphic on the drawing. This can be useful when copying a block on the one-line diagram, as the copy will not have an equipment linked to it.
📄️ Match Labels and Graphics
The Match Labels and Graphics command is used to change the labels and graphics of one or more distribution equipment or feeders to match an existing equipment or feeder on the drawing.
📄️ Insert Meter
The Insert Meter command is used to insert a meter on the one-line diagram. Meters are for informational purposes only and are not otherwise used.
📄️ Remove Meter
To remove a meter from a drawing, go to
📄️ Show Bus
To show the bus in a distribution equipment, go to
📄️ Hide Bus
To hide the bus in a distribution equipment, go to
📄️ Flip Bus
To flip the bus in a distribution equipment, go to
📄️ Insert Panel Tab
The Insert Panel Tab command is used to change the appearance of custom panel blocks on the one-line diagram. It is for drafting purposes only and is not otherwise used.
📄️ Remove Panel Tab
To remove a panel tab from a distribution equipment, go to
📄️ Insert and Modify Labels
The Insert and Modify Labels command is used to insert, edit, and remove the labels on distribution equipment, feeders, and equipment connections on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Move Label
The Move Labels command is used to move labels on distribution equipment, feeders, and equipment connections on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Rotate Label
The Rotate Labels command is used to rotate labels on distribution equipment, feeders, and equipment connections on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Group Labels
The Group Labels command is used to group together labels on distribution equipment, feeders, and equipment connections on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Remove Label from Group
To remove a label from a group, go to
📄️ Reorder Labels in Group
To reorder labels in a group, go to
📄️ Insert Leader
The Insert Leader command is used to add a leader to a label or group of labels.
📄️ Remove Leader
The Remove Leader command is used to remove a leader from a one-line diagram label or group of labels.
📄️ Redraw Feeder
The Redraw Feeder command is used to redraw feeders on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Insert Feeder
The Insert Feeder command is used to insert feeders on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Align Feeder
The Align Feeder command is used to align parallel segments of different feeders on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Offset Feeder
The Offset Feeder command is used to set the amount of space between a feeder segment and parallel segments of other feeders on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Swap Feeder
The Swap Feeder command is used to transpose two parallel feeder segments on the one-line diagram.
📄️ Add Segment to Middle of Feeder
To add a segment to the middle of a feeder, go to
📄️ Add Segment to End of Feeder
To add a segment to the end of a feeder, go to
📄️ Remove Segment from Feeder
To remove a segment from a feeder, go to
📄️ Insert Break in Feeder
To insert a break in a feeder, go to
📄️ Remove Break in Feeder
To remove a break from a feeder, go to
📄️ Insert Feeder ID
This command is deprecated. If you want to display feeder IDs on the one-line diagram, use the Insert feeder IDs inside feeder lines option in the One-Line Diagram Options section, or the Feeder ID field in the Change Feeder Blocks dialog box.
📄️ RT: Import from Revit
This section only applies if your one-line diagram is based upon a Revit model imported using ElectroBIM.
📄️ RT: Edit Distribution Equipment
This command should only be used if your one-line diagram is based upon a Revit model imported using ElectroBIM. If this is not the case, use the Edit Distribution Equipment command instead.