Edit Note
To edit a note on a device, go to
Ribbon:  Edit Note
Pulldown Menu:
You will be prompted to specify the note to be edited.
Select device note to edit:
The dialog box that is displayed depends upon the type of note selected. When selecting a general note inserted using the Insert Note command, the Edit Device Note dialog box will appear.
Edit Device Note Dialog Box​
Enter the revised note into the Note field and press the button.
If the revised note is longer than one line, press the button to enter the entire note.
The revised note will be displayed on the drawing in the same location.
Editing Other Types of Notes​
Selecting other types of notes will display different dialog boxes. If you can change the note, a dialog box with the note value with be displayed. A larger dialog box for the device may open. You will then need to find and change the field for the note you want to edit.
If you cannot directly change the note, the command will end. To change these values, you need to modify the source of the information directly. For example, to change a light fixture callout, query the light fixture and change the type there. To change a circuit callout, connect the device to a different circuit.