Update Lighting Group Labels
To update lighting group labels, or to insert or update the lighting group table, go to
Ribbon:  Update Lighting Group Labels
Pulldown Menu:
Inserting the Lighting Group Table the First Time​
If the lighting group table is not currently inserted on the drawing, you will be prompted for the insertion location of the table.
Insertion Point for Lighting Group Table:
The location you specify will be used as the top-left corner for the lighting group table.
The lighting group labels on the drawing will be updated.
Updating the Table Already on the Drawing​
If the lighting group table is already inserted on the drawing, it will be updated in its current location. The lighting group labels on the drawing will be updated.
You must update the table on the drawing when you make changes to the lighting groups. The table will not update automatically.
The lighting group table will also be updated when the Update All Schedules and One-Line Diagram command is run.
If you have manually inserted graphics, such as revision clouds, over the schedule graphic, be sure to check their location after updating the table.