Lighting Groups
This section describes lighting groups, which are used for energy calculations.
Common Lighting Group Information
The values that can be specified for lighting groups are listed below.
☐ Subtract Area from Room Area Whether the area occupied by the lights in this lighting group is subtracted from the room area. This will affect energy calculations.
Height: The height of the lighting group, if it is a vertical area. See the Distance Input Format section for more information about specifying this height.
LF Mounting Height: The height at which the light fixtures in the lighting group are mounted. See the Distance Input Format section for more information about specifying this height.
LF Throw Distance: The distance light extends from light fixtures in the lighting group area. See the Distance Input Format section for more information about specifying this distance.
Lighting Power Density: The amount of light allowed for the area.
Illuminance Category: ▾ The illuminance category for the group as defined in the IESNA Lighting Handbook. The categories are based upon the type of task being performed in the area. Lower letters correspond to lower foot-candle levels. Higher letters correspond to higher foot-candle levels.
📄️ Create and Edit Lighting Groups
To create or edit a lighting group, go to
📄️ Update Lighting Group Labels
To update lighting group labels, or to insert or update the lighting group table, go to
📄️ Add Lights To Group
To add individual light fixtures to a lighting group, go to
📄️ Remove Lights from Groups
To remove individual light fixtures from a lighting group, go to
📄️ Highlight Lights in Group
To highlight light fixtures in a particular lighting group, go to
📄️ Draw Lighting Group
To draw the area encompassing a lighting group for energy calculations, go to
📄️ Insert Lighting Group Vertex
To add a vertex to a lighting group area boundary, go to
📄️ Remove Lighting Group Vertex
To remove a vertex from a lighting group area boundary, go to
📄️ Show or Hide Label Leaders
To show or hide lighting group area label leaders, go to
📄️ Turn Lighting Group Layers On
To turn on all lighting group layers so that lighting group area boundaries and labels are displayed on the drawing, go to
📄️ Turn Lighting Group Layers Off
To turn off all lighting group layers so that lighting group area boundaries and labels are not displayed on the drawing, go to