Modify Equipment Callout
To change the information displayed in an equipment callout on the drawing, go to
Ribbon:  Modify Equipment Callout
Pulldown Menu:
You will be prompted to select the equipment callout to be modified.
Select equipment or callout:
Select Equipment Callout Style Dialog Box​
-  Equipment Callout: ▾ Select a callout style from the list.
- Â Display callout, kVA, and HP The equipment callout, kVA, and horsepower will be displayed.
- Â Display callout, amps, and HP The equipment callout, amps, and horsepower will be displayed.
- Â Display callout and amps only The equipment callout and amps will be displayed.
- Â Display callout only Only the equipment callout will be displayed.
- Â No callout No equipment callout will be displayed. If an equipment callout is currently inserted on the drawing, it will be removed.
- Â Select custom block Select this option to specify a drawing for the equipment callout block.
Related Options
Equipment callout: Sets the default information displayed in the equipment callout.