Insert Equipment on this Drawing
To insert a piece of equipment on the drawing that only exists in the database, go to
Ribbon:  Insert Equipment on this Drawing
Pulldown Menu:
Select Equipment to Insert on the Drawing Dialog Box​
 Group: ▾ A list of the equipment groups in the project. The equipment listed in the Equipment ☰ list are all part of the selected group. See the Equipment Project Groups section for more information.
 Equipment ☰ A list of pieces of equipment in the database that have not been inserted on a drawing. Equipment that is already inserted on a drawing will not be displayed, as equipment cannot be inserted more than once.
Select the equipment to insert and press the button.
You will be prompted to insert the piece of equipment on the drawing.
Specify insertion point:
You will then be prompted for the rotation angle. If the equipment block is not able to be rotated, this prompt will be skipped.
Rotation angle <0>:
If the equipment has a disconnect block, you will then be prompted to insert the disconnect on the drawing.
Specify insertion point:
Rotation angle <0>:
You will then be prompted for the location of the equipment callout.
Right-click or press space to toggle the leader on or off, press enter to place the callout.
See the Inserting Notes and Leaders on the Drawing section for more information about inserting the callout.
Equipment callout: Sets the default information displayed in the equipment callout.
Insert 3D blocks on drawing: Sets whether a 3D block is inserted on the drawing along with the 2D block.