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Edit Lighting Group Label List

The Edit Lighting Group Label commands are used to modify the labels that appear on lighting groups on the drawing. Each row that is displayed is included in the label in the order listed in the table.

To edit lighting group label project settings, go to
Ribbon: DME: Customization→Project Customization→  Lighting Group Label Group
Pulldown Menu: DM Electrical→Customization→Labels and Schedules→Project List→Edit Lighting Group Label Project List

To edit lighting group label standards settings, go to
Ribbon: DME: Customization→Master & Standards Customization→  Lighting Group Label Group
Pulldown Menu: DM Electrical→Customization→Labels and Schedules→Standards and Master Lists→Edit Lighting Group Label Standards List

Lighting Group Label Display and Order Dialog Box​

See the Common Label and Schedule Information section for more information about using the and buttons and the Key ☰, Label, Width, and ☐ Display fields.


Run the Update Lighting Group Labels command after changing the lighting group label settings to update lighting group labels already inserted on the drawing.

Values in the Key ☰ column are listed alphabetically below.

  •  Horizontal Area The area of the room in square feet if the group is horizontal lighting.

  •  IC The illuminance category specified when the group was created. See the Common Lighting Group Information section for more information.

  •  ID The ID number assigned to the group.

  •  Length The length of the lighting group in feet. If the group is a vertical area, the length is determined by the length of the line specifying the path of the area.

  •  LPD The lighting power density of the group. See the Common Lighting Group Information section for more information.

  •  Mounting Height The height in feet at which the light fixtures in the group are mounted.

  •  Name The name of the lighting group specified when the group was created.

  •  Throw Distance The throw distance in feet from the light fixtures to the group.

  •  Vertical Area The area of the room in square feet if the group is vertical lighting.