Offset Conduit
To offset a conduit run, go to
Ribbon:  Offset Conduit
Pulldown Menu:
You will be prompted to enter the distance of the offset.
Specify offset distance:
You will then be prompted to identify which conduit is to be offset.
Select conduit to offset:
All of the conduits connected to the one you selected will be duplicated and offset.
The Inside Radius dialog box will appear.
See the Adjust Conduit Radius section for more information about setting the inside radius.
Set the Radius Criteria ▾ and press the button. You will be prompted to specify on which side the offset conduit is to be located.
Specify point on side to offset or [Up/Down/Multiple]:
Specify point
The conduit run will be offset to the side you select on the drawing. -
Type U to offset the conduit up. Use this setting to create vertical parallel runs of conduit. -
Type D to offset the conduit down. Use this setting to create vertical parallel runs of conduit. -
Type M to offset the conduit multiple times. The Radius Criteria ▾ will be used to set the radius value on all of the conduits that are offset.You will be prompted to specify the direction to offset the conduit run using the same options as before.
Specify point on side to offset or [Up/Down/<select Next object>]:
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select Next object
Type N to finish offsetting the selected conduit and select a new conduit to offset.
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