Inserting Distribution Equipment
This tutorial teaches you how to insert distribution equipment in your one-line diagram.
Open drawing E-4.1.
Insert Distribution Equipment One Piece at a Time​
Run the
Insert Distribution Equipment command. The Insert Distribution Equipment dialog box will open.
Ribbon:DM Electrical→One-Line Diagram→  Insert Distribution Equipment
Pulldown Menu:DM Electrical→One-Line Diagram→Insert Distribution Equipment -
Set Tree ☰ to UTIL.
Set Block ☰ to Utility Transformer, Pad-Mounted (Small).
Press the button.
Follow the prompts at the command line to insert the transformer on the drawing.
Run the
Insert Distribution Equipment command. The Insert Distribution Equipment dialog box will open.
Ribbon:DM Electrical→One-Line Diagram→  Insert Distribution Equipment
Pulldown Menu:DM Electrical→One-Line Diagram→Insert Distribution Equipment -
Set Tree ☰ to H1.
Set Block ☰ to <Custom Panel Box with Bus>.
Press the button.
Follow the prompts at the command line to insert the panel on the drawing. The orientation of the bus varies based upon the shape of the panel rectangle you draw. A wide panel will have a horizontal bus as shown below. A tall panel will have a vertical bus.
Generate Multiple Pieces of Distribution Equipment​
Run the
Generate One-Line command.
Ribbon:DM Electrical→One-Line Diagram→  Generate One-Line
Pulldown Menu:DM Electrical→One-Line Diagram→Generate One-Line -
Set Tree ☰ to UTIL.
Press the button.
Transformer T1, panel P1, and panel P2 will be inserted automatically for you.