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Items Not Aligned When Exporting to IFC

When I export a project, drawing, or area to IFC, the entities do not line up properly.​


This typically happens because your alignment point is not properly aligned with the origin in your collision detection software.


The rotation angle, elevation, and placement of your alignment point determine the angle 0, the elevation, and the origin or 0,0 point of the IFC file. Change one or more of these settings to line up the origin correctly.

If you are using Revit, the alignment point corresponds to the project base point. For more information, see the About the Internal Origin article on the Autodesk Knowledge Network.

Change the Rotation Angle​

The rotation angle can be changed with the Rotate Alignment Point command. The north direction of the alignment point acts as angle 0.

Change the Elevation​

The elevation can be changed with the Query Alignment Point command.

Change the Origin​

The origin for the IFC file can be changed with the Offset Alignment Point for 3D Export command.

Select a point on the drawing to act as the origin. This point is not shown on the drawing and the alignment point will not move. If you need to reset the origin to the alignment point, run the command again and press ENTER.