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Electrical Customization Folder Location

To see where your Design Master Electrical customization folder is located, use the Installation Settings command.

Local Install​

The customization folder location is provided in the Customization Folder field.

The default location for a local install is
C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Design Master Software\Electrical Customization
where <User Name> is the name you use to log in to your computer.

To view the contents of your customization folder, press the button. The folder will open in Windows Explorer.

Network Install​

The customization folder location is provided in the Customization Folder field.

The default location for a network install is
<Install Folder>\Electrical Customization
where <Install Folder> is the location on the network where Design Master Electrical is installed.

To view the contents of your customization folder, press the button. The folder will open in Windows Explorer.