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Controlling Master and Standards Database Permissions

My company has Design Master Electrical installed on a network. Can I control who can make changes to our customization?​

Design Master Electrical does not have a built-in method for controlling who can modify the customization in the master and standards databases.

You can use standard Windows permission settings to limit the ability of your users to make changes.

Customization Folder​

The customization folder on the network needs to be set to read-write for all Design Master Electrical users.

The Jet database driver that we use needs to be able to create a temporary lock file in the folder when it opens the master and standards databases, which it cannot do without write permissions.

Master and Standards Databases​

The master and standards database files themselves can be set to read-only for certain users.

This will allow them to access information in those databases when starting new projects or importing, but prevent them from making any changes.