Inserting Fixed Loads Using Keyboard Shortcuts
You can set fixed loads on circuits in the Circuiting command using just the keyboard. Not having to use the mouse can speed up the data entry process.
After running the command to open the Circuiting dialog box, use your mouse to select the first circuit you want to change a load on. Your mouse will be optional from this point forward.
Opening the Set Circuit Information Dialog Box​
Type ALT+S to press the Set Circuit Information button. The Set Circuit Information dialog box will appear, shown below:
When the dialog box opens, the cursor will be active in the Circuit Description Prefix field. Enter a description for the circuit.
Selecting a Load Type​
Each load type has a letter beside the field where you can enter a value. Type ALT and the corresponding letter to move the cursor to the corresponding field. Loads are grouped together in sets of three; type ALT+<Letter> to cycle through the load types that share a letter.
For example, Typing ALT+A will cycle through the Lighting ▾, Largest Motor ▾, and Other Motors ▾, then back to Lighting ▾.
Switching Circuits​
Type  , and  .  to move to the previous and next circuit, respectively.
Returning to the Circuiting Dialog Box​
Press ENTERÂ when you are finished to save your changes and close the dialog box. If you make a mistake, press ESCÂ to close the dialog box without saving.
When you return to the Circuiting dialog box, the circuit list will have focus. Press  ↑ or  ↓ to move to the next circuit.
Press TAB to move from the odd circuits to the even circuits. Press SHIFT+TAB to move from the even circuits to the odd circuits.
Select the next circuit you want to modify and press ALT+S to open the Set Circuit Information dialog box again, then repeat the process until you are finished. You can then use your mouse to select another Distribution Equipment ▾ from the list at the top of the dialog box to continue changing circuit loads.