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Design Master Command Aliases

How do I create command aliases (i.e., keyboard shortcuts) for Design Master Electrical commands in AutoCAD?​

Command aliases are controlled by a .pgp file, which must be edited to include additional commands. To add Design Master Electrical command aliases to your .pgp file, follow the steps below.

  1. At the command line, enter (findfile "acad.pgp") to find where your .pgp file is located; its location will be displayed at the command line.

  2. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the file location, then open the .pgp file using a text editor such as Notepad.

  3. Scroll down through the file until you find a User Defined Command Aliases heading; you'll enter your aliases below this heading.

  4. In AutoCAD, run a Design Master Electrical command for which you want to create an alias. The command name will appear at the command line (e.g., dm_elec-circuiting).

  5. At the end of your .pgp file, enter a command alias using the following format (you can add multiple spaces between the , and * to organize your aliases into columns):

    CI, *dm_elec-circuiting

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any other command aliases you want to add, then save and close the .pgp file.

  7. Run the AutoCAD REINIT command to reload the .pgp file.

Using the above examples, you should now be able to run the Circuiting command by typing CI at the command line.