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Layers Used for Circuit Loops

What determines the layer used for the loops drawn between devices on each circuit?​

There are several settings that control the layer chosen for circuit loops.

The Default circuit layer system ▾ Option​

The Default circuit layer system ▾ option in the Circuits, Load Types, and Wire Sizes section of the Options command controls the layer system that is used for all circuits by default.

The default setting for this option is Same as Distribution Equipment. When this setting is selected, circuits will use the same layer system as the distribution equipment they are connected to.

You can also set this option to a specific layer system. If you do, circuits will use the layer system you select, regardless of the layer system for the distribution equipment.

The Distribution Equipment "Layer System" Setting​

If the Default circuit layer system ▾ option described above is set to Same as Distribution Equipment, circuits will use the same layer system as the distribution equipment they are connected to. To view or change this setting for a distribution equipment, use the relevant Distribution Equipment command.

In the dialog box, find the Layer System ▾ field. The selected layer system will be used for the distribution equipment and all circuits connected to it.

The Circuit "Layer System" Setting​

The layer system can be set for individual circuits in the Circuiting command.

Select a circuit. In the Circuit Information section, find the Layer System ▾ setting. This setting can be changed to any layer system in the project, or set to use the default layer system defined by the Default circuit layer system ▾ option described above.

The Devices On the Circuit​

Each branch circuit device type can use different layers for the loops. You can view and change the layers using the Layers command.

Select the Layer System in the top-left section of the dialog box. In the Layer Keys section in the top-right, find the layer keys that begin with CIRCUITS, then find the layer key that corresponds to the device type on the circuit.

For example, a loop drawn from a receptacle uses the CIRCUITS-RECEPTACLES layer key. The default layer associated with this layer key is EN-POWER-CIRC for the New layer system and EE-POWER-CIRC for the Existing layer system.

Whether the Loop is a Homerun​

Loops and homeruns use different layer keys. The CIRCUITS-<DEVICE TYPE> layer key is used for the loops between devices. The CIRCUITS-<DEVICE TYPE>-HOMERUN layer key is used for homerun loops.